Monday, March 16, 2009

Department change :?

Big changes have happened at HIT which has caused the Updates department to move to the Design department. Yep! This means that Matt is no longer my manager which is sad because he was a really good manager! This also means that my husband is my supervisor now!!! I have to admit that I am a little nervous about this change. I was nervous about working together in the first place last Fall but then it turned out to be the best thing we could have done for ourselves but I was not sure if it worked out because we were in total different departments or if it is that Chris and I work really well with each other. So Chris and I agreed that if his management was damaging to our marriage then I could leave. Matt also informed me that I could come back in his department to work in Customer Service if it does not work out for us. So here we go, Chris is my Supervisor and my job description totally changed! Chris once had four Admins but then two went to Accounting and another was fired leaving one left. Her name is Leah and she replaced a previous Admin so she is fairly new herself so I needed to assist with the duties already in the Design department and the work load I had to bring over. Let's see how this goes.... whish me luck :?

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