Sunday, August 9, 2009

St. George :)

Chris and I also have a LOVE for St. George! We were all packed and ready Friday morning before work so that we could leave from Provo but then realized that I forgot a few things so we decided to go back home to pick them up. As we passed the horrid traffic going south, we decided it would be a bad idea to sit in it so I came up with this grand idea of driving through the night ha ha! Chris ended up getting a call from the apple store letting us know that our laptop was ready to be picked up so he dropped me off so I could go to bed early while he goes up to SL for our laptop. Well, I didn't go to sleep but I was almost there when Chris returned, ooops! Since he was back home, I decided I wanted to stay up with him and we watched "The Natural" Yes, I am a fan of Robert Redford and I love baseball! That left me with 3 hours of sleep and I really did not think I would get up at 3 AM but we did so I pounded down a Rockstar and off we went! I so wanted to take a picture of Chris snuggled up in the passenger seat with the blanket and four pillows! He was so cute and he looked so cozy but I was afraid of waking him! It was perfect, I had the road to myself and my ipod so that the music would not keep Chris up. I would plan a road trip like this any day and Chris would too! He really did not mind at all waking up at Zion's! He slept like a baby and woke up to a beautiful drive in the canyons!

We arrived at 7 am just in time for breakfast and hike up Angels Landing before the weather got to warm. After finishing up our hike around 1pm, we checked in our hotel and finished the night with our family! There were 13 of us that decided to go bowling and I beat everyone the first game! I couldn't believe it!!! But I also loved every minute of it ;) It was only the second time that I got lucky in getting a higher score then Chris! We all had a great time together and we do not get together with all the cousins all that often so this was such a treat for us!

Now for the main event! Our cousin Aaron received his mission call to the Portland Oregon Mission and we had the pleasure in supporting him on his farewell talk! I can't tell you enough how incredible he did on his talk! It was charming and touching.... maybe because the topic was on the gratitude and importance of parents but he did so well! He will be such a great missionary and Chris and I wish him all the best!!! All in all, Chris and I had a wonderful weekend and we did not want it to end!

1 comment:

The Martins said...

I didn't know you had a blog! You should of commented sooner so I would of known!